Welcome to USANA's 1st webinar.
Since the 5th Biennial USANA congress were postponed to 10-12 September 2022 due to the ongoing pandemic, the USANA executive committee decided to offer two 2hour webinars free of charge to USANA members.
During the Millennium Development Goal era, 2000 to 2015, the under-five(U5) mortality rate was reduced by 53%. Despite this success in 2018 an estimated 5,3million children died in the first 5 years of life with almost half of these dying in the first month of life. The 2019 UN IGME Global Child Mortality report showed Neonatal deaths cause 47% of all U5 deaths and looking at the newborn death distribution, that Intrapartum-related problems are responsible for 24% of those neonatal deaths. This is unfortunately an even higher percentage in South Africa. The ‘NAPEMMCo 2017-19 Report’ showed "Hypoxia" to be the cause of 32,3% of all >1000g Neonatal deaths in South Africa. Optimizing our neonatal management for those with intra-partum related problems is thus very important, not only trying to prevent those deaths, but more importantly to ty improve the outcome of those babies.
Therefore, the first of our 2021 webinars are planned for Saturday 15 May 2021, 10-12am, focusing on: Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) in newborns: the Heart and the Brain.
Programme schedule: https://app.conftools.co.za/schedule/331/
Webinar registration: https://app.conftools.co.za/attendee/331/ticketwizard/
Date: 15 May 2021, 09:00-11:00 GMT+2
Registration close: 22 Oct 2021